“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you.”
~A.A. Milne, from "Winnie the Pooh"

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Recap

Dear Lydia, 
Today was a good day! I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with some of the greatest mothers in our lives. You actually spent a little bit of peaceful time cuddled in other people's laps, some who hadn't ever got to hold you! It wasn't all that bad being loved on by someone other than Mommy and Daddy, was it? I know that in time you will grow to know and love these precious people, and will run to them for cuddles, instead of shying away in favor of us. Everyone loves you so much and they just want you to be happy!
We got to celebrate Bubby's 13th birthday today as well as Mother's Day. I just can't believe how very fast he's growing up! It seems like yesterday that he was a baby, and now he's 2 inches taller than I am. It's a subtle reminder that you won't be a baby for long either. 
I'm looking forward already to continuing to watch you grow (although I DO wish you'd slow down a little lol). 
Today, on Mother's Day, I just want you to know how much I love being a mom. Kissing boo-boos, drying tears, causing giggles, getting hugs, and celebrating each accomplishment the two of you achieve is the greatest gift I could ever be given. I learn as much from you and Caleb as I could ever teach you and I am constantly in awe of the incredible little (or in Caleb's case, not so little) people that I had a small hand in creating. I'm so proud of you both, and so very, very blessed to be your mama! :)

I love you, baby girl! 


  1. She's so beautiful! I just spent the last little while reading through your blog...LOVE it :)

  2. Thanks! I am pretty partial to her, which explains my photography obsession lol I love yours too!!!!!


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