“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you.”
~A.A. Milne, from "Winnie the Pooh"

Sunday, February 5, 2012

13 Months

Dearest Lydia,
You have grown up so much in the last few weeks. It literally blows my mind to watch you change, learning new things at a rate so fast that I miss them if I blink my eyes for just a second.
Our house is constantly filled with your laughter and there is no sound sweeter to my mama's ears than that of a happy baby. That laughter proves that you are secure, you know you are loved, and you are ecstatic to be here with us. 
You make us laugh. You make us proud. You make my heart sing. :)

Surely there is no mama as blessed as I am.
Tomorrow you will be 13 months old and as each month rolls past, I can't help but reminisce. Its almost a compulsion to look back on the last 13 months in awe, in wonder, in overwhelming gratitude. 
You have changed this family. Not just the family confined within the four walls of our home...but the extended family as well. All it takes is a smile to bring every person you meet to their knees in humble adoration.

We are ALL better for knowing you....for having you as a part in our lives. 
We could care less if you are doing the things that other babies your age do....crawling, walking, talking. It doesn't matter. You prove every single day that you are strong and determined, that you are smart, that nothing can hold you back when you set your mind to something. 

You don't have a disability. You don't wear Down Syndrome like a rock around your neck. You are already determined to defeat the odds that have been stacked against you since the day you took your first breath. You are shooting down stereotypes, which fall in the face of your grace and beauty. You show your joy in living with an ever present twinkle in your captivating eyes.
Make no mistake...God made you perfectly. He gave you every single thing you need to face this world, to show everyone else what we already know.....that you are an angel. More precious in His sight than the most precious jewel. Immensely precious in my own sight, worth more to me than any Earthly treasure.

There is only ONE you. And I am so thankful that I get to call you my own........

Happy 13 months, Princess Sassy Pants. Mommy loves you so very much!!!


  1. OH my word in the first pic she looks exactly like you!

  2. Oh wow, the pictures in this post are gorgeous Heidi!!! You have such a beautiful little girl, this was such a sweet post to read :)

  3. She is so beautiful. I love that full faced smile!


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